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Function LENGTH


length sequence => n

Arguments and Values:

sequence---a proper sequence.

n---a non-negative integer.


Returns the number of elements in sequence.

If sequence is a vector with a fill pointer, the active length as specified by the fill pointer is returned.


 (length "abc") =>  3
 (setq str (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character 
                            :initial-contents "abc"
                            :fill-pointer t)) =>  "abc"
 (length str) =>  3
 (setf (fill-pointer str) 2) =>  2
 (length str) =>  2

Affected By: None.

Exceptional Situations:

Should be prepared to signal an error of type type-error if sequence is not a proper sequence.

See Also:

list-length, sequence

Notes: None.

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